Friday, October 10, 2008

Pepsi Dude

Acrylic paints on life size fibreglass camel.
Pepsi Dude is one of the 4 camels I painted in Dubai in 2004 for Camel Caravan, a public art project. As the name suggests it was sponsored by Pepsi.
What a memorable experience it is for me to be part of the Camel Caravan. We painted our camels in an air conditioned tent in a park during the harsh summer of the Arabian desert. The organizers, Patricia and Ken Palmer went to great lengths to make the artists very comfortable taking care of our need for meals, coffee, soda, snacks, water, you name it. Up and down ladders, paint splatters in hair and skin, listening to music was the norm, sometimes the day would be as long as 15 hours. There were deadlines to be met as the camels went for auction.
Pepsi Dude was a joy to do, in his jeans and tie-n-dye T-shirt. His bandana and sunglasses put a smile on faces of all that viewed him. Please dont miss his tattoos, Zainab, my daughter had to guide me as to the designs which were "in" as opposed to some random patterns I had in mind.

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