Monday, October 6, 2008

By the Window

Collage with found paper, 16" x 22"
$ 1,300.
An exercise in patience, is how I describe this experience.
The model again, is Gwyneth, as she sat by her livingroom window.
There is no paint or pastels used in this work, the entire painting was rendered by meticulously sticking pieces of paper on watercolour board. Most of the paper is from magazines and a bit of handmade paper is also used.
Once the initial drawing was done on the watercolour board, the labourous task of getting the right colour in the correct value was undertaken. My worktable looked like a paper shredder dump. With fingers covered with layers of glue, was frustrating and comical at times, as I went about bulding up the image. For some of the smaller pieces of paper on the face, particularly the eyes and spectacles, I had to resort to using a pair of tweezers.

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