Saturday, December 26, 2009

Art Show

When I witness sunlight cascading over a face, it strikes a chord within my soul and renders me restless with excitement …… hence, I paint.
It is a specific moment in time captivates my imagination is the driving force that compels me to paint. Needless to say, most of my subjects are captured by numerous clicks of my camera in as many different angles as possible, before being rendered on the easle.
Due to my fascination with the multidimensional aspect of the human face and body, I paint in a variety of mediums although Pastels are the medium of preference.
Often enjoying "explosion" of colours, I find working with a limited palette equally thrilling.
Truly a labour of passion.

Show will be on display from 5 Jan till 28 Feb, 2010.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Collage Workshop

Workshop was held at the Rotary Centre on 19 & 20 dec with very exciting pieces being created. Sandra looks pleased as she washes her tools as her vibrant collage sits on the counter.
Catherine ready to sign her 2nd collage in 2 days, both so interestingly different and striking.

Alicia almost done with her monochromatic collage figure. The wonderful result removed all apprehensions Alicia had at attempting this workshop